I am currently taking a course from the National Association of Sports Management to become a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT). I am excited to increase my knowledge in the area of health and wellness. I have to say exercise physiology is no joke! I am learning so much and am nervous about getting to the end and taking the certification exam. I have forgotten a LOT of science since college. And anatomy is a completely new subject for me (missed that in both college and high school).
It is a bit overwhelming, but it will get me to the place I want to be. My husband has been so supportive! I’m working a little every day on the material, videos, and quizzes. I am approaching the big 5-0 in January and my memory is not what it used to be, but I’ve heard it is beneficial to exercise your mind as you age. Maybe I’ll start remembering why I walked into a room now (haha!).
It is never too late to make changes in your life or try new things. I hope I can inspire others to live healthier lives and follow their own dreams.